Family Stories: Parents offer advice to parents concerned about their child's development or a diagnosis of autism
Opportunities for Children with Autism

Christine, mother of Corey, a 3 year old boy with autism, calls on parents to remain hopeful and reminds them that there are a lot of opportunities for children with autism to learn. She discusses how her son's diagnosis was a blessing that connected him to the early intervention that led to a dramatic improvement in his language.
Videos in this family story
Therapies Can Have a Great Impact
The Importance of Early Evaluation
The Importance of Being Objective and Realistic
Educate Yourself and Be Proactive
The Importance of Recognizing Something Is Wrong
The Temptation of Putting Off An Assessment
Educate Yourself and Work with Your Child's Therapists
Opportunities for Children with Autism
Parents Need to Know What to Expect
Pediatricians Need to Raise Concerns When Necessary
Doctors Should Question Parents About Red Flags They Observe
Doctors Are the First Line of Defense